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Output flipped/mirrored - Printable Version

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Output flipped/mirrored - DarkWhite - 2022-05-20

When i go to export the timelapse files and render the movie file (internal so from within LRTimelapse) i'm getting my output flipped/mirrored from the preview and original files.

I'm sure i checked a wrong thing somewhere but i can not seem to find any option regarding flipping/mirroring.

I have attached a screenshot...the preview is correct, the render preview is flipped...

Output flipped/mirrored - Gunther - 2022-05-20

From which camera are those files? (I suspect GoPro or similar).
Also what about the output video, is that orientated correctly?

RE: Output flipped/mirrored - DarkWhite - 2022-05-20

These are files from a gopro 8 yes (GPR, the raw files) and the video is flipped/mirrored too (so it renders what it shows as render preview)

From your reaction i'm gathering that this is not a setting i flicked on somewhere. I can make a bit of a shorter sequence with the gopro and my sony a7mk3 this afternoon and see if it is persistant behaviour..

Output flipped/mirrored - Gunther - 2022-05-20

GoPro is known for writing the exif data wrong. I need to check this.

Could you send me a short sequence of like 10 Gpr images via wetransfer to please. Thx!

RE: Output flipped/mirrored - DarkWhite - 2022-05-20

They are on their way, included the xmp's just in case!

Output flipped/mirrored - Gunther - 2022-05-21

Thanks for sending over. I can confirm the issue. It only happens with GoPro GPR files.

I remember that this was a bug in Adobe Dng Converter years ago. I reported it to Adobe but they didn't do anything. Then I worked around it for the previews in LRTimelapse. The same issue now seems to apply to the internal video rendering. It shouldn't happen, if you export and render via Lightroom.

I'll need to work on this, will do but it will take a bit of time. Until then please use the lightroom export.

RE: Output flipped/mirrored - DarkWhite - 2022-05-22

Thanks for the update Gunther, and well that sucks. Adobe can be anoying like that Sad
Lightroom is a bit of a B*. rendering just the previews for 3000+ files already, but if that's how it can work for now my computer just has to work a bit longer during the nights i guess Big Grin

Output flipped/mirrored - Gunther - 2022-05-22

Thanks for your understanding. But usually exporting via Lightroom Classic (latest version) is not slower then directly from LRTimelapse.
Gpr files however kind of suck. They are no real raw files,slow to process and not really high quality. If you can, go for a Dslr / DSLM Camera which would not only increase the quality and edibility a lot, but also the processing speed.

RE: Output flipped/mirrored - - 2022-06-01

I'm getting the same flip / mirror issue. I use an Canon R5 with raw images.

I already have the photos imported into lightroom. I had to change the orientation for roughly 1/3

I go into LrTimelapse select the directory and do the Keyframe wizard part. In Lightroom I read the metadata and suddenly lots of the pics are flipped / mirrored.

This was under 6.0.4. I'm trying 6.0.5 now

Under 6.05, I rotate the files as needed, save the metadata. Start up LrTimelapse, First thing is that LrTimelapse isn't picking up the the rotation of the rotated photos.

RE: Output flipped/mirrored - emanaku - 2022-06-01

I can confirm that the same effect (video preview shown and video rendered mirrored) is happening with GoPro Hero 7 black (gpr files) in LRTimelapse Pro 6.0.4 (I had prepared the same screenshot as DarkWhite, but then found this thread here :-) ).