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milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - Printable Version

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milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - jibber - 2022-06-27

Hi. I have a milky way time lapse on a star tracker that starts out as landscape and as it progresses the images become portrait. I would like to make them all landscape. I can fix the orientation in LR but when LRTimelapse loads the images again it doesn't pull in the orientation.

Is there any recommended handling for this scenario?

I found this but it's from 2011.

Many thanks!

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - Gunther - 2022-06-27

Sometimes when pointing the camera straight up, it might be writing random orientations in the exif data, which means orientation will change. Usually LRTimelapse will equilize those when doing the auto transition.
Please check the orientation column in LRTimelapse - usually LRTimelapse will detect that and use it. When doing the auto transition, LRT should write the values from the first image to the orientation column.
At the end, it's not important that the orientations are correct in LRTimelapse, it's important that they are correct in Lightroom before exporting and rendering. So if everything else fails, you'd need to correct the orientations in Lightroom right before exporting.

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - jibber - 2022-06-28

Thanks for the reply. The orientation column on initial load has 1 for landscape and 6 for portrait. I then edit in LR (correct the orientation of half the photos). After that I did auto transition I saw 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in the orientation column. LRT preview was jumping all over the place.

So I reset metadata, cleared out the sequence in LR and then reinitialized in LRTimelapse. I did auto transition first and that worked as you suggested--it used the orientation from the first image. However, after editing in LR and doing auto transition again the orientations jump around again.

I notice I can manually edit the orientation values but only one at a time. Is there a way to do a bulk edit? And if so, is there a way I can tell LRT to not auto-generate that field? Thanks.

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - jibber - 2022-06-28

Nevermind! I found out that I can edit the column for the whole sequence by right clicking and selecting "fill column downwards". I think this should do it. After I get the adjustments correct from LR I can do this as my final step.

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - jibber - 2022-06-28

Okay so I still had issues with the orientation changing in random and unexpected ways between LR and LRT. My recommendation for anyone else with a similar scenario is to set the orientations you want in LR and export as DNGs and then import those into LRT. Much easier to manage. Thanks Gunther!

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - Gunther - 2022-06-28

Hmm, the behavior that you describe is something that I fixed in one of the last updates.
Are you sure you are using the latest version? (6.0.6)

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - jibber - 2022-06-28

I haven't got around to updating yet but good to know. Will let you know how it goes.

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - Gunther - 2022-06-28

Guys... would you please only work with the latest versions. What sense does it make to work with old versions and report issues that might already been fixed. Thanks.

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - jibber - 2022-06-29

Hi Gunther, I hear you. I am a dev by trade (PHP / JavaScript), but I've only just purchased your software a couple of months ago, so I really don't think it's fair to give me a hard time. Sure if it was a year or two out of date but I have 6, which only just came out.

RE: milky way timelapse on star tracker w/ different oriented images - Gunther - 2022-06-29

All good, I don't want to blame you. It was just a good example for my constant saying that using the latest version mostly helps avoiding issues. I'm one of those developers that has a very, very short buglist. If you check out the bugs forum, you will see that there is barely anything open. That means, as soon as I get to know about an issue, I investigate it, if it's a bug, I fix it and then latest after one or two weeks I publish the fix. That makes for a very short feedback loop between the users experencing something and the fix. I hope you will also appreciate this when working with LRT! :-)