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Will Pro Timer 2.5 wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait? - Printable Version

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Will Pro Timer 2.5 wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait? - chasg - 2022-07-18

Hi All,

I need to know if the Pro Timer 2.5 will _reliably_ wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait.

I need to put this camera 4m up high in a huge room in a museum mid-day tomorrow, and have it start shooting with 3-second intervals at 8am the next day (and shoot all day until can access it that evening to take it down).

I've run tests, and the timer is waking up the camera, but I don't have the opportunity to run a 12 hour test of the same functionality.

I can only access this shooting location tomorrow mid-day, and the camera will of course go to sleep before it needs to start shooting the next morning. I need to trust that the timer will wake up this camera, and shoot all day (I'll of course set the number of shots to "unlimited", the 1TB SD card will have no problem with over-shooting). If it doesn't work, I'm in trouble (I won't get paid, and I certainly will never work with this client again).

I have a large external battery for the camera (16,000mAh/58Wh), but I fear it won't last if the camera has to stay awake all night and then shoot all day the next day.

Come to think of it, I'd also like to know how much power this camera uses while it's asleep, vs how much it uses while shooting, not sure where I'd find that info either (or how to compare the two values if/when I do learn what they are). I'd hate for this external battery to run out of power mid-shoot.

And should I use a second battery to recharge the battery in the Pro Timer 2.5, so that it can keep counting down all night, and then trigger the camera all day the next day? I've never used my pro timer this way, the longest I've shot with it is 20 hours, and that time I used it in normal Timelapse mode (starting with a fully-charged battery), shot for 20 hours, and then packed it away.

Many thanks in advance for any advice.



RE: Will Pro Timer 2.5 wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait? - Gunther - 2022-07-18

If the cameras gets woken up after 10 minutes, it should also get woken after 12 hours.
I cannot speak for that camera specifically or give you any guarantees, but the LRT PRO Timer is designed to do that.
To be on the safe side, I'd recommend to power it with a small powerbank.

RE: Will Pro Timer 2.5 wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait? - chasg - 2022-07-20

Hi Gunther, thanks very much for the reply.

In the end, I managed to get access to a scissor lift to start the camera shooting at the beginning of the day, but I did program the Pro Timer to do it (but it never had a chance to). 10,000 photos later, and I've got a nice piece of footage :-)

RE: Will Pro Timer 2.5 wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait? - Gunther - 2022-07-21

Great to hear that everything worked out!

RE: Will Pro Timer 2.5 wake up a Sony A7RII after a 12 hour wait? - chasg - 2022-07-22
