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Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - Printable Version

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Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - derricklytle - 2013-01-25

I have been using LRtimelapse for night to day shots but I am getting a Dynamic Perception dolly next week. I guess the question is when shooting with a motorized dolly how do you adjust exposure? Am I going to have to stop it every time I need to adjust exposure? Is there a better way to do it?

RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - BillinNM - 2013-01-26

I'm waiting on my eMotimo TB3-black, which should arrive today, and I've been wondering about the same issue. I discussed it with Brian at eMotimo and he encouraged me to NOT touch the camera in the middle of a shot sequence, due to concerns about throwing off the pointing. I don't know how sensitive your dolly might be, but I expect the concern could be the same.

What I have decided to do, although I haven't yet made the purchase, is to get a Promote Control remote, which will allow me to adjust ISO, shutter, aperture in the middle of a sequence, without needing to touch, and possibly disturb, the camera. That way, I can chase the Holy Grail and also have my shots be moving.

I'm curious to hear if others have an alternative solution.

I'm shooting with a Nikon D700.


RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - Gunther - 2013-01-26

If you take care you can change Exposure during the intervals, if they are long enough. Just train this a bit. I do this all the time, even with S1 AND Emotimo.

Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - wing_nut - 2013-10-23

I am also in the process of getting a slider. as with the others, I am trying to figure out what would be slide intervals during holy grail shooting.

We obviously dont want the slide to move while shutter is open on long exposures, So does that mean we have to take several shots on faster shutter speeds on the same location to compenste for the upcoming slower shutter speeds at the end of the sequence?

I figure I will eventually have shots where the slide will move during an open shutter. Does it affect the overall sequence in a negative way?

Some advice from experienced slider users doing hg shoots will be greatly appreciated.

RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - Gunther - 2013-10-23

Normally I go for one interval time for the whole sequence. Otherwise you would have to use a controller, that allows for interval ramping, but this would as well lead to a acceleration of the moving objects like shadows/clouds etc...

RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - wing_nut - 2013-10-24

Thanks for the reply Gunther. Sohow much interval you set yours to in holy grail sequences?

Can you give me a ballpark figure as well approximate safe shutter speeds to work with without introducing horizontal blur on such intervals? And any extra things I have to pay attention to.

Thanks in advance.

RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - Gunther - 2013-10-24

I always use my sliders in Shoot-move-shoot mode, so no motion blur will occur. The interval depends of the longest shutter I have to reach. If the holy grail goes until the milky way, usually I work with 20 seconds, if its only sunset and dawn, I use 6 secs and exposures up to 5 secs.

RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - 25shots - 2013-10-24

You could use an arduino microcontroller with bluetooth module to trigger you camera in bulb mode. Via an android smartphone you can adjust the exposure time via bluetooth.

I am currently developing such an android app for my DIY Timelapse Slider.
Here is the Link to the thread.

Or you use the android app DslrDashboard.


RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - Zaren - 2015-04-26

Hi Gunther

I am planning on adding the TB3 to my kit, at the moment with the MX3 controller i am able to manually ramp the exposure and interval for holy grail shots. Am i right in thinking that the TB3 does not allow you to manually ramp the interval to accommodate greater exposure times during a holy grail shoot??

Many thanks


RE: Manually adjust exposure while on Stage Zero Dolly? - Gunther - 2015-04-26

No afaik this is not possible. But consider that you will always get a mostly notible change in speed when changing the interval. It's something that I avoid doing whenever possible.