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New User - losing ACR changes in Bridge - Printable Version

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New User - losing ACR changes in Bridge - rippleguy - 2013-02-06

HI Your software looks promising and I've spent quite a few hours in frustration using the Bridge/ACR/AE workflow. Here is what I am experiencing: I followed your instructions for keyframing and making changes to the XMP files in Bridge - so far so good - all thumbnails update to show the changes. Then I go back to LRTimelapse, to reload, set auto transition, deflicker and save. After I click save ALL the change I made in Bridge are lost. All XMP files revert. You can actually see the thumbnails revert back to their defaults in Bridge. In short, when I save for the last time in LRTimelapse and return to Bridge it's like I never made any changes to the keyframes images. We also noticed that the file headers for the keyframed xmp files have been changed to final cut pro text file headers. We're working with your trial software, ACR version 6.7, Bridge CS5.

RE: New User - losing ACR changes in Bridge - Gunther - 2013-02-06

Hi, if you user CS5 you have to set the process in LRTimelapse to "LR3". You can change this in the settings.
Please make sure you have installed all upgrades for your Creative Suite as well.
After changing the process restart LRTimelapse, make sure "LR3" is written on the main page and then please redo the whole workflow re-initializing the sequence.

Quote:We also noticed that the file headers for the keyframed xmp files have been changed to final cut pro text file headers.
I don't understand that. What has FCP to do with that?