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Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Printable Version

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Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Stefoto - 2013-09-01


I noticed something really strange. Once I did the normal steps using LR timelapse I exported the keyframes to Lightroom. Matched the 2 and 3 stars photos there and saved the metadata. So far so good. Reloaded the sequence in LR timelapse and once I saved the metadata I read the metadata back in lightroom. I exported the full sequence into full sized JPGs. What I noticed when I imported it in After Effects was that I was getting some flickering which originally wasn't there. It is like on some pictures the exposure is bumped more than on other pictures. I opened the lightroom and saw the exact frames and everything looks just fine. I don't know what can cause that. I tried the same in lightroom 5 as well, but the result was the same. Any ideas what can cause that?

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Tayqun - 2013-09-03

In some holy grail sequences when we change the EV value on camera that may cause overexposed highlights in the frame. You probably see these on HG keyframe transitions, I started following my Histogram for that reason, it will allow you to see if you are overexposing or not.
Also, sometimes you do not need to change 1 stop if I have sun in my frame I change 1/3 EV or 2/3 EV depending upon the situation.

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Stefoto - 2013-09-03

Well it might be the case, but it is not only on the holy grail keyframes. I'm going to render and upload the videos. One before the work in LRTimelapse and Lightroom and one after editing to see the difference. The strange thing is that it happens only in the second half of the video.

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Tayqun - 2013-09-03

Personally I have been using LRtimelapse over 3 months have not seen any issue like yours.

Can you add the screen shot of your sequence ( brightness value, etc.. )

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Stefoto - 2013-09-04

Sure here is a screenshot of the brightness curve. I'm going to upload the videos soon.

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Tayqun - 2013-09-04

According to the curve you seem to have some flicker, I do not know if it is aperture or something else.

Other than my previous comment, your curve look like okay, what I on my experiences is you should avoid drastic changes during the sun set through the end of your sequence ** and *** star keyframes start to have drastic differences which is not work out well for me most of the time. If flicker occur there, it is generally because of the highlighted areas.

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Stefoto - 2013-09-04

Originally when I playback the sequence there is no flicker except the holy grail jumps. Once I edit the sequence I get flickering.. Rendering the full sequence before the edit now to upload sample video.

Here you can see the two videos.

Raw sequence - straight from the camera. No editing at all.

Edited sequence - regular LRTimelapse workflow. No deflickering applied.

RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - DLee - 2013-09-12


You might try this to at least find the flicker variable if you have Quicktime 7, aka Quicktime Pro:

Simply build a time lapse sequence in QT, you don't even have to export it, and then scroll to the latter part of your movie where your flicker begins. Once in that area use the arrow keys to literally go frame by frame through the sequence quickly. You'll see the problem as you go by. Going back and forth you'll be able to pinpoint the frame that's flickering. Once you find one of those frames go back to LR and find the frame there - this can take a little work, but with a street scene like yours you should be able to find it fairly easily. Once you find the problem frame you can compare the settings to the frames before and after and see what the difference/problem is in your develop settings.

You might even use the LRT preview and histogram to help locate the trouble frame. LRT will give you the file name.

I'm guessing once you know the problem, finding the solution becomes a little easier.

On an aesthetic note, I like your TL. Especially when the night time cloud gets lit by the city. In your original the cloud takes on the yellow cast of the city. You cleaned that up in the final version and it looks very neutral. Personally though, I think you might have made it a little too clean. The clouds taking on the color of the city was a cool transition we might not expect in nature... I think it was pretty neat to see. The clouds also become a little out of balance with the city scape when they are so white. I might consider putting some of the yellow back in the clouds or maybe taking some of the yellow out of the city's night scene... probably a little of both; for a nice natural transition.

just my .02ยข

cheers on a good TL!


RE: Holy Grail + Lightroom Issue - Stefoto - 2013-09-13

Thanks for the advice regarding the colors.
About my problem I tried to do it, but it seems that I can't fully match the settings on the pictures. It is strange. I don't understand why I get this type of flickering. I'm going to take more time and fix it up manually. Thanks for your feedback and suggestions.
I really appreciate it! Smile