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Lightroom Catalog in LRTimelapse - Printable Version

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Lightroom Catalog in LRTimelapse - TLCO_Melbourne - 2014-05-21

I have had a good look through the forums and tutorials and can't seem to figure this out.

Are you capable of loading in LRTimelapse a full Lightroom Catalog?

We have all of our images split into yyyymm and then day folders which happens automatically when the images are pulled down from our cameras. However I would like to use LRTimelapse to look at a full sequence of images over a full month, or preferably over a full year and adjust for deflicker on all of them.

I can load all of the images into a Catalog, but can't seem to find a way to load that catalog in LRTimelapse without reexporting every image again into another folder. Or is there an easier way to do it? Selecting folder and include sub folders and ignoring JPGs (to only see the NEFs)?

Currently I have all the images in a catalog, and am adjusting each day folder, but this does not adjust and match days to days, only within that day.

Any help would be awesome.



RE: Lightroom Catalog in LRTimelapse - Gunther - 2014-05-21

Hi, you can't load a complete catalog or process more then a folder at once.
You will need to put all images for a sequence into one folder. If you shot JPG+RAW you have to remove the jpgs.

LRTimelapse works on a Folder-basis, has nothing to do with the catalog in Lightroom.