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Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Printable Version

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Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Curiousjandro - 2014-12-04

Warmest greetings from the cold Chicago!

Had this issue with LR3/LRT2 and thought upgrading to LR5/LRT3 would solve it but to no avail.

When using either the HG Wizard or matching total exposures manually in LR, the 2*/3* keyframes never match up, plus when I render the sequence the video contains flash frames.

Please help. Been working on this one sequence for more than 18 hours and I need peace of mind.

Here's a snapshot and a link to the final rendered sequence:

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Gunther - 2014-12-04

It looks like if you might have either changed some parameters in Lightroom, that are not supported by LRTimelapse (for example custom tone curvers) - or you might have changed the exposure when editing the keyframes or forgot to deselect the exposure when copy/pasting.
The sequence does not look bad and the holy grail wizard might be pretty able to compensate everything fine. I'm quite sure you did something wrong when editing the keyframes.
Here is a post worth reading:
and this one is important as well:

You might as well just do the first row of the workflow again, then save, load all metadata into LRTimelapse and render directly without any further adjustments. I'm quite sure you will get a smooth result.

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Curiousjandro - 2014-12-08

Thank you for your reply.

Followed your instructions but I still must have done something wrong. I did mess with the sliders in the gradients panel of LR5. I changed exposure, contrast, clarity and saturation and I changed the position of the middle and top gradients. Could this have been the problem in this case?

Now instead of flashing frames I have an abrupt change in exposure then smooth ramping followed by another jump and so on.

Here's the latest render:

Thanks again for your time.

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Gunther - 2014-12-09

The gradients can of course be used and will be animated - just take care not to add additional gradients.
This latest render looks as if you might have destroyed the Exposure leveling for the holy grail compensation. Maybe when editing the 4* keyframes you changed Exposure? Please take care to not touch the exposure slider then and when copy/pasting from one keyframe to the other, remove the checkmark at "Exposure" as well. It's all explained in my Holy grail tutorial.

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Curiousjandro - 2014-12-09

I swear I did not touch any of the exposure settings during 4* keyframe development and I made sure to uncheck exposure when copying and pasting. I've seen all the video and forum references on the process. Will try one more time with more scrutiny and see if there's still some small misstep I'm taking.

Thanks for your time and help.

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - SadMac - 2014-12-12

maybe you can also record a screen for shorty example of what you're doing

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Curiousjandro - 2014-12-16

Problem still not resolved. I have again followed the tutorial step by step and have read all the material regarding what settings to leave untouched. I always make sure to read and save metadata without filters in the library module. The only time I adjust exposure is within the gradients panel. I do move the gradients slightly between keyframes but never add new gradients. The only sliders I touch are WB, Tint, Highlights, Whites, Shadows, Blacks, Clarity, Vibrance and Saturation. When I copy and paste settings I make sure to have all items checked minus exposure. I process the video using the After Effects (CS5) method and then rendering using Terminal.

I've attached more screen grabs of my sequence in LR3 showing some of the 2*/3* keyframes after the auto transition has been applied. Here's a link to the latest video render:

Thanks again to all for your time and help.

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Gunther - 2014-12-16

After Effecs CS5 uses the old process version and is not compatible with the Process 2012 that LRTimelapse is set to by default.
If you really want to render with AE (why not use the LRTimelapse renderer? It delivers better quality then the adobe one and the process is much easier!) - then you will have to set the process version in the LRTimelapse settings to Lightroom 3/CS5.x and start over with editing.

RE: Holy Grail 2*/3* frames don't match - Curiousjandro - 2014-12-17

Problem solved!!! I guess it would've been helpful to mention from the beginning I was using AE CS5 and Terminal to render the final sequence as a RAW sequence instead of exporting in LR5 and rendering in LRT3.

Thanks for your time and help.