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Q: refinement of a visual deflicker, just a selection - Printable Version

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Q: refinement of a visual deflicker, just a selection - chasg - 2015-05-19

Hi All, a question about refining visual deflicker.

If I use the shift key to select an area of my timelapse, and then adjust the amount of deflicker, I see the curve change throughout my entire timelapse. I had thought that making a selection of a timelapse would restrict the refinement of the deflicker to that area.

Have I understood Gunther's LRT 4 video tutorial incorrectly? It seemed in the video to be possible to just refine the amount of deflicker in just the selected area, but my experience is that the entire curve gets redrawn (which I'd rather not do, as it's usually perfect before I need to refine a particular area). Am I doing something simple incorrectly?

The tool is excellent, despite this issue. I've resurrected two timelapses I'd written off for having excessive flicker :-)



RE: Q: refinement of a visual deflicker, just a selection - Gunther - 2015-05-20

The reference curve will change for the whole sequence yes, but, if you click on "refine" then only the selected area will be affected.

RE: Q: refinement of a visual deflicker, just a selection - chasg - 2015-05-20

Thanks very much for the clarification Gunther, just what I needed.

May I suggest an interface refinement? If we are working on just a selection, then, as we drag the slider, have the correction curve only change shape in that selection (it'll also allow us to see if the edges of the selection are going to jump with respect to the edges outside of the selection, if that makes sense).

I'm having a follow-up problem: I've come back in to LRT to refine just a portion of my timelapse to further deflicker. I've finished generating the pink curve, but the "Visual Deflicker" button is still greyed out. Not sure what I've done wrong, suggestions?



RE: Q: refinement of a visual deflicker, just a selection - Gunther - 2015-05-20

The button will be grayed out, as long as not all visual previews have been rendered. Check out if there is one missing (you can check the visual lum column in the table, and see if you can get it generated by selecting it. Sometimes, if a raw file is corrupted, no visual preview can be created. Then you would have to remove that file from the sequence.

RE: Q: refinement of a visual deflicker, just a selection - chasg - 2015-05-21

Thanks again, and that's what the problem was: corrupt file. I removed it, and all worked as it should!