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Deflicker. - Printable Version

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Deflicker. - jamieparis - 2012-04-01

Hey Gunther great program, very appreciative of the effort put in! Just upgraded to 1.8 on LR4 and when I deflicker my images and save my metadata, the metadata resets (in LRT) back to default values. If I don't deflicker everything is fine and the post-processing metadata is saved successfully. Any ideas?

RE: Deflicker. - Gunther - 2012-04-01

Have you set LRTimelapse to LR4 process? Wenn you save a deflickered sequence, the deflicker tick disappears and the deflickering is reflected in the yellow (exposure) curve. Another turning on of the delicker checkmark gives you a warning, that the sequence already has been deflickered. Normal behaviour.

RE: Deflicker. - jamieparis - 2012-04-02

Hey Gunther thanks for the swift reply. It is set to LR4. When I get back to LR to read metadata after deflickering it resets everything (including the reference frames that I edited) back to default settings. I should note that it doesn't seem to be doing this when I don't deflicker.

RE: Deflicker. - Gunther - 2012-04-02

Hi, this is a weird behavior I cannot reproduce. Please be sure to carefully follow my workflow (first initializing everything in LRT) and consider that deflickering should be the last thing to do, it is applied on the Exposure values. If for example you make a transition on a deflickered sequence, the deflicker will be gone.

So basically it is:
  1. Initilize in LRTimelapse, save
  2. Load Metadata in Lightroom, set and edit keyframes, save Metadata
  3. Reload in LRT
  4. Apply Transitions, than deflicker, Save
  5. Load Metadata in Lightroom, Export video.
So after deflickering you won't save in Lightroom anymore.

RE: Deflicker. - jamieparis - 2012-04-02

Yeah I think it is just weird behavior. It only seems to be happening to this particular sequence. I follow the workflow perfectly and it works perfectly for every sequence except this one. I will try to look at the settings or source material to see if my problem is there, maybe I can reproduce it. Either way great software and thanks very much for the support!