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Export Problems - No LRT****.jpg/tiff files - Printable Version

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Export Problems - No LRT****.jpg/tiff files - Bad Dog - 2015-06-10

I am having problems with exporting my jpeg files to intermediary files.

I don’t know if this has something to do with it, but there are graduated filters on the clips.

When exporting from Lightroom, the box in the upper right corner says LRT files are being exported

When I finish my export from Lightroom, I get the following ERROR MESSAGE:
"There are 360 errors when rendering file. Please check the LRTExport log."

When I open LRTimelapse, I get the following ERROR MESSAGE:
"No suitable image sequence found. Please make sure to select an intermediary sequence that has been created from within Lightroom using the LRTimelapse Exporter. The folder with the intermediary sequence normally starts with LRT and contains files with names LRT_00001.jpg/tif."

The LRTExport log seem to suggest that the files cannot be moved.

I have loaded the latest software update and have reloaded the export plug-in as suggested in the forums.

Any suggestions?

Tom Petrie

Below is the log for the first 2 images

2015-06-10 02:26:56 +0000, DEBUG ------------------------------------------------
2015-06-10 02:26:56 +0000, DEBUG ---Launched LRTExport version 4.0.4 build 69
2015-06-10 02:26:56 +0000, TRACE Width: 5616, height: 3744
2015-06-10 02:27:14 +0000, TRACE Creating output Dir: /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Final Foliage Timelapse/LRT_Bloodroot_Take_2A__
2015-06-10 02:27:14 +0000, TRACE Rendering 360 photos
2015-06-10 02:27:14 +0000, TRACE Rendering: /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Bloodroot Take 2A /_MG_0001.JPG
2015-06-10 02:27:18 +0000, TRACE Moving from /var/folders/dz/hxh_sszx7nd_r59jzdllp1mh0000gn/T/5E7BA015-172F-4222-89F4-F0E583C9A88F/LRT_00001.jpg to /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Final Foliage Timelapse/LRT_Bloodroot_Take_2A__/LRT_00001.jpg
2015-06-10 02:27:18 +0000, TRACE Error: Could not move file: /var/folders/dz/hxh_sszx7nd_r59jzdllp1mh0000gn/T/5E7BA015-172F-4222-89F4-F0E583C9A88F/LRT_00001.jpg to /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Final Foliage Timelapse/LRT_Bloodroot_Take_2A__/LRT_00001.jpg
2015-06-10 02:27:18 +0000, TRACE Rendering: /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Bloodroot Take 2A /_MG_0002.JPG
2015-06-10 02:27:18 +0000, TRACE Moving from /var/folders/dz/hxh_sszx7nd_r59jzdllp1mh0000gn/T/5E7BA015-172F-4222-89F4-F0E583C9A88F/LRT_00002.jpg to /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Final Foliage Timelapse/LRT_Bloodroot_Take_2A__/LRT_00002.jpg
2015-06-10 02:27:19 +0000, TRACE Error: Could not move file: /var/folders/dz/hxh_sszx7nd_r59jzdllp1mh0000gn/T/5E7BA015-172F-4222-89F4-F0E583C9A88F/LRT_00002.jpg to /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Final Foliage Timelapse/LRT_Bloodroot_Take_2A__/LRT_00002.jpg
2015-06-10 02:27:19 +0000, TRACE Rendering: /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Bloodroot Take 2A /_MG_0003.JPG

RE: Export Problems - No LRT****.jpg/tiff files - Gunther - 2015-06-10

Maybe the destination drive is full? Try another location. Obvoiusly /Volumes/Time Lapse Drive 3/timelapse foliage/Final Foliage Timelapse/LRT_Bloodroot_Take_2A__/ is not writable.