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Visual Deflicker has no effect - Printable Version

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Visual Deflicker has no effect - Jeremia - 2015-06-23


I used lrtimelapse version 3 in the past and did now the switch to version 4.1. I really like the idea behind the visual deflicker, but I can't figure out how to use it right. I've watched the video tutorial and it seems pretty clear, but I have the following problem:

1. Load sequence in lrtimelapse (holy grail autodetection works fine)
2. Add keyframes
3. Save
4. Reload since I left out the lightroom step for reproduction of the problem
5. Create auto transistion, wich is for sure effectless without the lightroom step.
6. Create visual previews.
7. Wait for ages beacause of my damn slow cpu to render the previews
8. Adjust the green visual deflicker curve to look smooth
9. Apply visual deflicker
11. I've got a nice red correction curve wich looks perfectly right to compensate my flickering.
10. Save
11. Wait for ages because of my ยง$%& slow cpu to render the previews.

And here is the problem. The new pink curve is exactly the same like before I did the deflicker thing.
I also tried to start over again multiple times with deleting and recreating the xmp meta data.
Does anybody have an idea what I might do wrong?

So long,


RE: Visual Deflicker has no effect - Gunther - 2015-06-24

Hi Jeremia,
which process version are you using? Please check, that LRTimelapse is set to "Process 2012" in the settings.
Make sure too, that you have installed the latest DNG Converter from Adobe.
Then go to "tools tab" and "initialize" the sequence. Now try again like you did, make sure to have a smooth reference curve for deflicker (drag it to the right, to emphasize the effect) check the log file (info-menu) for any errors.
The bar under the preview is turning green as you create the previews?

RE: Visual Deflicker has no effect - Jeremia - 2015-06-24

Hi Gunther,

thank you very much. I think the DNG converter Version was the problem. I installed the 9.1 version and now lrtimelapse works like expected. It might be helpful if lrtimelapse could informs the user about missmatching versions instead of just doing "something" Smile.

Best Regards


RE: Visual Deflicker has no effect - Gunther - 2015-06-25

If I had a chance to get the Version out of the DNGConverter I certainly would. Unfortunately that beast is quieter then a dumb turtle and does not give any information (not even error messages) when called in the background... :-)

RE: Visual Deflicker has no effect - Jeremia - 2015-06-25

Hi Gunther,

this is for sure a little bit hacky, but maybe it could work if you just use a dummy file and convert this with the installed dng converter. After that it is maybe possible to read the right dng converter version from the converted file. I assume these are the following fields:

Preview Application Name Adobe DNG Converter
Preview Application Version 8.7

So long,


RE: Visual Deflicker has no effect - Gunther - 2015-06-25

Good idea, will think about it.