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What am I doing wrong? - Printable Version

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What am I doing wrong? - jonathanmitchellphotography - 2016-02-25

I've recently been noticing flicker in my highlight areas when processing HG. There are big jumps under the HG Lum Leveling section. For example, -0.179 to .071. What am I doing wrong? I don't feel like I am not doing anything extreme when processing these photos in Lightroom.  Also, I just noticed there was an update to 4.5.1 and DNG converter. Both are current now and problem still exist. 


RE: What am I doing wrong? - Gunther - 2016-02-26

I don't see the problem here? The big changes in "Lum Leveling" refer to the orange curve, it's a mirror of the blue curve that indicates the luminosity of your sequence. The big jumps are there because you chose to use big adjustments to Aperture/Shutter etc. when shooting.
Normally I recommend adjusting in smaller (1/3 stop) steps. Then of course, LRTimelapse does not need to do such huge compensations, the overal quality will be better, especially if you have high dynamic scenes like this.

As you can see, the pink curve is totally smooth at the end, so LRTimelapse did a perfect job here. If you still see some flicker or other artifacts this is not luminosity flicker (since the pink curve is smooth) - in that case you probably have blown highlights or edited too much, used the wrong tools or whatever. Check this faq:

Seeing a video of the end result might help to judge what's going on there.

RE: What am I doing wrong? - jonathanmitchellphotography - 2016-02-27

Thank you for the reply. I was not paying attention to the Histogram and blew the highlights out. I tend to shoot still at the same time and loose track of the lapse. Will try to keep adjustments small in the future.