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Construction Timelapse how to manage so many files? - Printable Version

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Construction Timelapse how to manage so many files? - Fergatron - 2016-04-10

Hello fellow timelapsers,

I have purchased the Pro version of LRTL and had initial success with a simple sunset timelapse.

Now I am working on a bigger project which is the construction of a house wall over time.
Day 1 had 16,276 RAW files which I culled significantly and separated into different folders for each phase as the large number of files was causing my processor to work overtime loading the sequence.
Day 2 (shot 6 weeks after day 1) has 6406 RAW files
Day 3 has 4002 RAW files
Day 4 has 8095 RAW files

All footage shot was with 1 second interval but I have removed some footage so that it is a 2 second interval.  I have changed the angle of view of the camera during the construction timelapse and moved it along the wall and gone from wide to tight shot as the workers continue the build.

I have watched Gunther's Construction Timelapse video which I note is made in an earlier version (I have 4.5.1 Pro).

My question is: Once I have deleted the shots I do not want in the timelapse should I merge all the folders into one folder again and then use TimeLapse Pro Long Term Workflow to achieve a consistent look throughout the timelapse? Editing them in their separate folders means they are all going to look slightly different so I think I should move them back into one folder for a final edit...

I look forward to hearing how others manage long term construction timelapses.

Thank you,

RE: Construction Timelapse how to manage so many files? - Gunther - 2016-04-10

I'd probably use the long term workflow first on the single sequences to bring down the number of images even more (that's what the Filters in ther Long Term workflow are for). Then if you have less images, you can still bring them together before further editing/deflickering etc.

RE: Construction Timelapse how to manage so many files? - Fergatron - 2016-04-13

Thank you Gunther,

I have moved all the files into one folder and opened up LRTL but now all that is happening is the program is hanging and won't let me even scrub through the preview.

I can hear my processor fan whirring away. I have an iMac with OS X Yosemite, 4GHz processor, 32G 1600MHz DDR3 so not a low spec machine.

Do you have any tips to speed things up and make it easier to work with such a huge number of files still. There are 14,956 files and it runs for 8.18 and I desperately want to edit it down to about 1 minute long.

I cannot get into Vimeo today. It is coming up with "oops something is wrong" error message so cannot even rewatch video for clues.

Thank you,

RE: Construction Timelapse how to manage so many files? - Gunther - 2016-04-13

On mac you can increase the memory provided to LRTimelapse. You'll find how to do it in the faq, check it out!