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"please try another smoothing value" please help - Printable Version

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"please try another smoothing value" please help - burakkostak - 2016-10-05

when i press deflicker icon it gives me that error !
please help...

RE: "please try another smoothing value" please help - Gunther - 2016-10-05

You have to set a lower or higher value on the smoothing slider. Most likely the sequence is too short or the changes in brightness are too big. Try setting a meaningful reference area for deflicker too.

RE: "please try another smoothing value" please help - burakkostak - 2016-10-05

How can i set a lower or higher value on the smoothing slider? I dont know ?

RE: "please try another smoothing value" please help - Gunther - 2016-10-06

When you click on "Deficker" you'll get a small panel popping up with only one slider "Smoothing". Just chang the position of the slider so that the green curve shows a meaningful smoothing, not too much, not too little.
I'd as well recommend that you use the visual workflow for your CR2 files.
Did you watch my Tutorials?

RE: "please try another smoothing value" please help - Lapso - 2017-07-08

Hey Gunther,
i've the same problem, but i can't open the small panel with the slider when i push the 'Visual Deflicker' Icon. There's always this information first...
Do you have any idea how i can reset only the deflicker informations or open the panel again?

RE: "please try another smoothing value" please help - Gunther - 2017-07-08

Right click on the header of the deflicker column in the table, then initialize. This will reset the deflicker.

If you can't access the slider you can totally reset the smoothing value (and all other settings) for the sequence like this: load another folder in LRT. Then right click on the problematic folder, and "Clear all LRTimelapse edits". This will reset everything. Now you can reload that sequence and start over.