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Error calculating transitions - Printable Version

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Error calculating transitions - 3Dlunatic - 2016-10-07

I'm sorry to post so much, but I am still learning this excellent software. I am following the video tutorial closely, but have 2 questions.

(Please refer to the image I attached.)

1. - Minor problem:
In the tutorial, your columns are colour coded to show which curve corresponds to which meta data column. My columns are grayed out with no colour. How can I turn the colour on? I noticed on your interface is a box for "Hide unchanged columns", on mine it's "Hide equal columns". Still, no colour.

2. - Major problem:
I always run into an error when doing Auto Transition. I followed the tutorial closely, developed my keyframes, saved the metadata in LR, then reloaded into LRTimelapse (you can see that my keyframes have come in, on the preview). However, when I run Auto Transition, I always get this error that it couldn't calculate transitions. I follow the directions and do Metadata > Intialize Metadata, and start the process over, but I still get the same problem. What can I do to fix it, and what am I doing wrong to cause the issue. I am following the tutorial very closely.

Thank you for your help.

RE: Error calculating transitions - 3Dlunatic - 2016-10-07

I should have posted this under Bug Reports... I am sorry.

RE: Error calculating transitions - Gunther - 2016-10-07

LRTImelapse crashed, that's why you see weird things. I assume, that your LRTimelapse is not getting enough memory to process that huge sequence (>6000 images). Most likely you've got a message, making you aware of the lack of memory.

Please follow the advices given here:

Then start over. After starting LRTimelapse and loading the sequence, the table should not be greyed out like in your screenshot.

RE: Error calculating transitions - 3Dlunatic - 2016-10-07

Memory is not my problem - I have a $7000 computer with 64 gigs of the fastest RAM, i7 processor with 12 cores, and one of the best video cards you can buy. I didn't receive any messages due to lack of memory, and my system was showing that I was only using a little over 30 gigs of memory, less than 50% of what is available.

Perhaps the problem was that I went into settings and changed the preference to crop to 16:9 ratio, as was suggested in the tutorial? I did get a message that LRTimelapse needs to restart to implement these changes, but I went ahead without restarting. I'll try again now, and report success or failure.

RE: Error calculating transitions - 3Dlunatic - 2016-10-07

The other option - perhaps why my columns were in gray rather than colour - is maybe I had the folder on the memory card selected rather than on the hard drive.

RE: Error calculating transitions - 3Dlunatic - 2016-10-07

Everything worked! Thank you for your help and excellent time lapse program. I really love time lapse and this is an amazing help.

RE: Error calculating transitions - Neff129 - 2017-11-15

Hi Gunther, I am having issue with Calculating Transitions.  I've seen a few different threads on the Forum but nothing has solved my problem.  I've shutdown and restarted both LRT and LR.  I've Initialized media. I've changed the Xmx string to 4096m...(my timelapse is only 880 photos) but nothing seems to help.   Go to  link for LRT screen shot.  Please let me know how to solve or what I should try.  Thank you

RE: Error calculating transitions - Gunther - 2017-11-20

Could you please reinitialize the sequence (Metadata/Initialize). Remove the sequence from Lightroom.
Then please start over from Scratch with the workflow from the beginning. If the problem happens again, please send me the log file after it happens (info menu / show log).