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Visual Deflicker not working ? - Printable Version

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Visual Deflicker not working ? - Gil Vicente - 2016-11-16

Hi ! My Visual deflicker Button  seems not be working although I have the latest DNG converter and my green line in Visual Preview is complete   in Visual Workflow. 
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks !

RE: Visual Deflicker not working ? - Gunther - 2016-11-16

Please try closing LRTimelapse, then load that sequence again. Activate Visual Previews. After all previews have been loaded, the visual deflicker button should get enabled. If not, please check the "Visual Lum" column in the table. It should have numbers in every row. If not, select the row with an empty "Visual Lum" and see what happens. If the visual preview can't be created, maybe the image is corrupted.
You might check the log file too (Info-Menu/Show Log) - you might send it to me when in doubt too.