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Firmware 29 for LRT PRO Timer 3.0 and 2.5

#1 Gunther
Firmware 29
  • Running Time on the finished screen was always one interval too short. Fixed.
  • Running Time on the main screen will no be updated every second and not only every interval.
  • Running Time on the 2nd screen (little information screen) will keep displaying to the rounded interval to save battery but now round up.
  • In Periodic TL after ending a Periodic Pause, the camera would not have been woken up. Now a wake up signal will be sent 2 seconds before the periodic pause ends.
  • While a periodic shooting and someone pressed long to abort but then decided to continue, this would have triggered the camera and not respected the periodic pause anymore.
Please find all information on how to upgrade your device and the download on: https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtpt/firmware-updates/
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#2 ifi1
Hallo Gunther, hast einen Fehler in der Update Anleitung
1. Einschalten des Timers
2. verbinden mit USB Port des PC (hier crashed dann die Anlage!)
3. Reset des Timers

Punkt 2 und 3 sollten getauscht werden also erst resetten dann mit PC verbinden.
LG Iris
#3 mopperle
Bei mir crashed nichts wenn ich nach Gunthers Anleitung vorgehe.
Bekommst du eine Fehlermeldung oder was genau chrashed?

#4 ifi1
Mein PC hat beim Einstecken des eingeschalteten Timers in den USB Port neugestartet. So wie wenn man am PC den Reset Button drückt. Danach habe ich erst den Timer resettet und dann eingesteckt - alles gut. Update total problemlos.
LG Iris
#5 Gunther
Normalerweise geht beides. Aber es kann natürlich ausnahmen geben, und der Vorteil dabei, den Timer erst in den Update Modus zu versetzen und dann einzustöpseln ist, dass nur ein USB Gerät erkannt werden muss.
Ich habe das in der Anleitung mal geändert.
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#6 goodwin
I just got the Pro Timer 3.0 with version 24. When I try to update the firmware the Timer never mounts. Tried two different Macs with two different OSs. Three different cables. Not sure what to do next to upgrade it. Thanks
#7 Gunther
There are instructions on how to upgrade the firmware on: https://lrtimelapse.com/lrtpt/firmware-updates/
Please follow them carefully.
If you still cannot get it going, try it on a PC, maybe you know someone who has one.
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#8 goodwin
Thank you for getting back to me.

I tried two different windows computers. One said the USB device was malfunctioning and the other Windows 10 would not mount it. Again followed the instructions and tried three different USB cables.
#9 Gunther
The thing with Windows and the USB drivers unfortunately is complicated. On some older systems sometimes there are USB drivers installed that are not compatible or just fail mounting the device.
In any of such cases reported by users it was an issue with the Windows, never a defect with the device itself.
Maybe you know someone with another computer where you could try. Make sure to go to upgrade mode (double click the hidden button until the screen freezes) and only then connect to the computer.
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.
#10 goodwin
Thank you. I tried a Windows 10 system and the Timer does not mount. When I attach it to my MacMini it does not show up in the list of USB devices in the System Report. I tried USB A cables and USB C cables directly into the Mac. No hubs.

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