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First timelapse - issues

#1 Gazpacho
Hey folks, I am new to this topic and i tried out sth today.

I used LRTimelapse and LR and watched the tutorials. I shot 300 frames, between 1/15 and 5 secs and useds the holy grail method.

But I am not pleased with my result. The "transitions" are not so soft and it seems to be ultra fast. The interval was 12 secs

Furthermore I am staggerd by the "jumps" (when i changed the exposure), although I did what was told in the tutorial.

Any recommendations ?

here the video: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/...0_720p_VHQ.mp4

40 mb

BTW i shot in jpeg, next time it'll be raw
#2 Gunther
The link does not work - but some general advices:
Use Raw, use shorter intervals, make sure not to use too big adjustments (1/2, 2/3 stops if the sun ist still visible). You have to practice!
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#3 Gazpacho
ohh so sry, the link is


Yeah i guess it is about raw and the interval. But I didnt want to shoot so many photos
#4 Gunther
That's the wrong attitude, man... :-)

But your result is not that bad - I think with some manual tweaking of the "jumps" you can get an even better result.
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#5 Gazpacho
hey thanks

well actually i don't care about having a huge amount of shots, but it's not that good for the shutter of my cam i reckon ^^

how can i improve that? what exactly do you mean?

P.s. ich glaube du bist nen deutscher oder? Tongue naja, egal, jetzt schreibe ich ja im englisch forum haha
#6 Ulli
If you don't want to shoot so many pictures you get a shorter video - no way out.
When the speed is too high, use a shorter interval.
When you care about your shutter, don't shoot timelapse ;-)
#7 Gazpacho
okay i got it Tongue

in case i use shorter intervals, the video may be smoother, BUT i need even more frames for 2 hours of real time Wink
#8 Ulli
Smoother isn't the point - it's playing slower. To get it smoother a exposure time of half the interval time (180° shutter) is useful and therefore you often need a ND-Filter (mostly during daylight).
If you're not familiar with those things take a look in Gunthers E-Book - there's everthing explained very well.
#9 Gazpacho

180 degree shutter? pardon?

can i find it here, the ebook?
#10 Ulli
You see the big ad at the right? ;-)

...also check out: