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Second pass in basic workflow with corrupted images

#11 joelemail
thank you for the offer.
how would you prefer images sent to you?
would you want the entire sequence?
low rez Dropbox to you?
#12 Gunther
I would need the original Images. 5 are sufficient. Just put them into a zip inside your Dropbox's public folder then right click, copy public link and send them to info (at) lrtimelapse (dot) com.
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#13 Gunther
Hi Joel,
I've tested with your sequence and can reproduce the problem with the first two images. After I deleted them and started over however I couldn't reproduce that anymore.

Some thing you should check:
1) Please check that you have disabled the automatic XMP writing in Lightroom: http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-ligh...s-into-xmp
2) Delete all former XMP data if you feel something is screwed up: Metadata/Clear Metadata
3) Make sure to use RAW files next time, especially when shooting such night scenes - you will get far better results and writing the sidecar XMP files for RAWs is much faster and more reliable.
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#14 joelemail
Thanks for trying to find the issue.

I had confirmed auto XMP was off, and had also cleared the metadata on each new attempt.

This sequence was just for fiddling around so I chose not to shoot in RAW. Any other sequence I've shot JPG, though, works fine; just this ONE I can't get to work.

The first and last keyframe are always corrupted. When I delete those and create new keyframes, those new keyframes then also become corrupted. In some attempts, LRT warns me I've cropped incorrectly in Lightroom when no crop adjustment was made.

Other sequences, RAW and JPG, created after this all follow the LRT workflow with no errors. I was hoping to nail the problem so I can be confident it would not occur on a 'mission-critical' sequence that I'm actually getting paid to create. I guess I'll chalk this up to a voodoo issue and move on! :-)
#15 Gunther
Yes, I could not really reproduce it, but I changed some things to make everything more bulletproof in Version 3.3. Will be releasing it soon.
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