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LR Timelapse Ver 2 won't load

#1 Johno
I have a license for LR 2 and have just updated my windows computer.
I downloaded the LR 2 from the web site but when I try and load it the program tells me "this LRTimelapse verision has expired. Please download the current version from LRTimelapse.com"

can anyone help?

Running windows 7 32gb Ram, i5 processor

Attached Files
#2 Gunther
As far as I can see, you have no license key for LRTimelapse. So please use the latest version (currently LRT 3.4.1) from the website and not the old LRT2.
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#3 Johno
Yes I do have license Invoice attached
#4 Gunther
Sorry, okay, then install the latest version 2 (2.3.2) from the website and provide your license key at the beginning.
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#5 bobkrist
Guenther: I'm having the same trouble. I have a commercial license for LR2 (I was one of your earliest supporters:-) and I'm trying to open the software on a new computer. It asks me for my license key but when I try to open it, it sends me looking for a file named License file. I still have the license key if you need it. Thanks, Bob Krist
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#6 Gunther
Hi Bob, I've forwarded your license key to your email. Please install the latest LRT 2 and then the license key like explained in the email.
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