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LRTimelapes 1.8 not playing nice with Metadata

#1 Zigmo
I've successfully used LRtimelapse for 6 months now and all has worked until upgrading to 1.8.

-When I click auto key-frame is takes the values from the first key-frame and copy's it to all the frames below. Totally ignoring the the values of the other key-framed frames.

-It doesn't ask to create "guess" missing metadata.

I don't ow or use Lightroom and have always used Bridge and ACR. If there anyway to get a permanent download of the older builds? They seem to expire and force you to download the newest version.

#2 Gunther
Quote:If there anyway to get a permanent download of the older builds? They seem to expire and force you to download the newest version.
No, sorry. I hope that you understand that I cannot support the old versions additionally to the current one.
Though I would love to figure out the problem you have - I suspect that you are not using the workflow recommended by me. This workflows always starts by initializing the metadata in LRT, see http://lrtimelapse.com -> Workflows.
There is also a tutorial video showing the new workflow.
Please let me know if the problems persist.
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