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3-way holy grail ramping - internal timer

#1 Elkaybay
Hi everyone,

Every time I tried using qdslrdashboard's build-in intervalometer, it missed a few frames during my sequence, making it almost unfixable in post production.
Has anyone been able to reliably use qdslrdashboard's built-in intervalometer? 
Gunther advised to use it to avoir aperture flicker when doing 3-way auto holy grails:
Gunther's 3-way holy grail tutorial

I works perfectly when using my own external intervalometer, but would love to be able to use this feature to further avoid flicker. 
I use a D800.

Thanks !
#2 Gunther
This can happen, if qDDB is still transferring when the next shot should happen. So see that the darktime between Exposure and Interval is not too sort. Especially with the huge images of the D800 you need some time.

But to be honest I don't use that Slave-Mode approach anymore since LRT4 - I just change the aperture and even ramp it as I need it and let LRTimelapse 4's visual deflicker do the rest. If works perfectly.
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#3 Elkaybay
Brilliant. Thank You Gunther!
#4 rruiz
Gunther what you mean with >> Slave-Mode approach << (from where... the android app?)

I have seen the lrtl4 videos and understand the bennefits of v4 for defliker, but what you mean with>> I just change the aperture and even ramp it as I need it <<

How works the adroid ramp mode?
Can someone share a link of the way the android app new rev 3.4.2 works? I can´t find documentation

+Within app, "LrTimelapse settings" has the box for "Use Aperture ramping"... how it works?
+ Do we use the internal app qDDB´s intervalometer?

+ What are all the "Interval timer" options boxes?

Sorry; i just bought lrtimelapse4 and still learning !!


#5 Gunther
Just set that checkbox, it will then give you options for Aperture too in the qDDB LRT Screen (exactly like exposure and iso). Then qDDB will auto ramp all three parameters. Deflicker will happen in LRT then.

A good documentation for qDDB is on http://dslrdashboard.info
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