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Color Temperature Still Not Syncing on 4.7.1 Pro

#1 rubbernecker
I use DNG raw files on Windows 10, LR6.6.1.  I just upgraded to 4.7.1 today but I'm still having major issues with the color temperature not being reflected in visual previews in LRTimelapse.

I was struggling with color temp on the same timelapse for 3 days on 4.7.  I was relieved to see the update today but 4.7.1 exhibits the same behavior as 4.7 in terms of color temperature.

I've used LRTimelapse successfully many times on version 4.6.  Perhaps I am doing something wrong or I have the wrong setting somewhere?  Is there any more information you want me to provide you with to help you resolve this issue?

In the meantime, can you provide a link to the highest 4.6 version so I can continue my work?

Thank you!
#2 Gunther
You can now change the white balance behavior via a new dialog in the metadata menu. Try the other setting there.
Please send me one of those file in order for me to track down what's going on. Please send via dropbox or wetransfer to support(at)lrtimelapse(dot)com.
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#3 rubbernecker
Sorry... I ran a butt-ton of experiments and it seems like LRT is behaving as expected in terms of color temperature. There seems to be something wrong with this batch of files on my end.

Also, for long term storage, can I delete the .lrt folder? The files in the .lrt folder will simply be regenerated if I ever need to access that timelapse in LRT again, right?

#4 Gunther
Yes, just right click on the folder in LRTimelapse, then "Clear all LRTimelapse edits" - this will basically reset everything for the sequence and delete the .lrt folder.
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#5 mogulist
It is likely that I am having the same issue.

I sometimes shot time-lapse with HDR. Following is my process:
1) generate DNG files by using Lightroom CC
2) at LRT, initialise them, set keyframes, set holy grail, and save
3) at LR, read metadata, edit keyframes, save metadata
4) at LRT, load metadata, and the rest is exactly the same manual.

This worked pretty well for over a year.

I shot a day to night HDR sequence yesterday and tried to do the same as mentioned above.
However, white balance edited at LR is not recognised by LRT.
All the settings except white balance are applied very well to visual previews.

I tried many times and found something.

After Initialisation, I was able to see "WB Temp" column. If try to set keyframes and holy grail, and then save, WB Temp column disappeared from LRT.

I have done tens of HDR workflows pretty well and I am experiencing this for the first time.
#6 Gunther
It could be that LRTimelapse is not capable to detect, if those DNGs use absolute or relative white balance values.
You might have to go to "Metadata -> Change Whitebalance Handling" to set the right handling method, this will then be saved for that sequence and get you going!
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#7 mogulist
I didn't know that there was [size=small][font='Open Sans', 'Myriad Pro', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]"Metadata -> Change Whitebalance Handling" menu.[/font][/size]
[size=small][font='Open Sans', 'Myriad Pro', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]By changing it to absolute, LRT works very fine now.[/font][/size]

[size=small][font='Open Sans', 'Myriad Pro', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I love LRT![/font][/size]

[size=small][font='Open Sans', 'Myriad Pro', Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Thanks a lot.[/font][/size]

...also check out: