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Incorrect Preview displayed

#1 Ryan Parle
I've found that in two cases LRTimelapse has incorrectly loaded the preview for one or more files.

the preview displayed is of an image (of another subject) that was mistakenly left in the working folder. if i view the image in Lightroom or anywhere else for that matter it displays the correct image which is of my timelapse subject.

I'm using the latest release of LRTimelapse.

#2 Gunther
Hi Ryan,
could you please try selecting the corresponding images and hit ctrl-F5 that should rebuild the preview.
Please let me know if it works, and please observe if that happens again.
Thank you
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#3 Ryan Parle
Thanks Gunther!

That did the trick, i was looking for the delete stubs option in the menu, but that seems to have changed in V1.7
#4 Gunther
Yes I removed it (too intransparent for the most users) - Ctrl. F5 rebuilds the previews that easier...
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#5 louisch
I got the same problem too . From 1.6 it happened .(1.6 Pre1 OK for me )

for example :When i load the Preview for 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

But LRTimelapse load

Preview 2.(another Folder) for 3.

Preview3. for 4.

Preview4. for 5.

Preview5. for 6.

when i deflick it got the wrong Value (position)

sorry for my poor english .

I wish you can understand what i mean.
#6 Gunther
Hi, does the problem persist when you hit Ctrl+Reload ?
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#7 louisch
When i hit Ctrl+Reload OK this time .

I have deleted the preview and reload still have the same problem on version 1.6.

After deleted the preview and exit the program then reload no problem .
#8 Gunther
Please use 1.7. Ctrl.-Reload does not do the same in 1.6.

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