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shooting against sun

#1 MoritzSonntag
Hey there,

i am wondering how you get the detail out of blue sky, sun and landscape while shooting against the sun. is it polarfilter or gradient-nd that you use?

this video shows what i mean at 2:30.

anyone knows a technique?

#2 KoolKool
maybe bracketing HDR
#3 keksi
Yes might be hdr, but generally graduated nd's give good results also, if you wanna avoid the hdr-workflow.

But be careful, i have found out in some tests with a photometer that all these square shape plastic graduated ND's don't block IR-light, so you might fry your camera.

My tip would be combining a glass-made ND (they filter out much more IR) with a graduated ND.

I know its getting complicated;-)
#4 Ziccco

What strength on ND-filter do you recommend to shoot directly into the sun as previously post?

Maybe a 10 stops filter with a graduated ND0, 9?

Or is it best to run HDR to get the perfect sun rays?

// Robin
#5 rcmagraw
One thing that comes to mind after viewing the clip. You could try shooting with a smaller aperture. Something like f11 that should cut down on the burst of light from the sun. With that said you might get more of a flare to your sun. You could also use one of the gradients and adjusted the exposure down to compensate for the sun. Hope this helps. Great video though!

...also check out: