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Strange Color/WB/Exposure Shifts between LR and LRT

#1 grantkaye
I have a sequence of 412 CR2 files of a sunset shot with a 5D3, M everything as I have done a thousand times before. I keyframed and developed the first, middle and last, and used auto-transition to calculate a curve between the three of Basic developing parameters, and one grad filter. 

Strangely, there are about ten jumps in color/WB/exposure in the sequence, despite the develop settings appearing completely smoothly curved. 

This is stumping me, I have literally tried everything I can think of to get it to work, but I can;t get the jumps to disappear. I attached two adjacent frames screenshots from LRT. As you see, the ramps curves are smooth, and there is no jump in WB or exposure. 

Any ideas?
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
That's indeed strange - maybe some of the non-linear tools in Lightroom that is causing this? Sometimes Lightroom does weird things...
I'd try to completely redo the sequence (right mouse on the sequence in LRT, delete all LRTimelapse editing), then remove the sequence from Lightroom and start over. Try to edit not too much, avoid the non-linear tools like dehaze, clarity and too much whites/blacks and remember to always use the sync script and see if you can get it going.
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#3 grantkaye
I had the Dehaze set at +32, I lowered it to +10 and the jumps are far less apparent, so that is indeed the culprit. Sadly, this scene was REALLY hazy due to dust blowing off the dry desert floor a few thousand feet below me and REALLY helps the shot out, so I wonder if it's possible to apply Dehaze equivalent in After Effects? I came across this:


Gunther do you have any other ideas/suggestions for possibly adding this effect to the video files instead of the RAW files?
#4 Gunther
I guess you won't be able to mimic the exact behavior of Dehaze, but normally with some contrast adjustments you can get really close.
On the other hand I always think that dehaze, if applied too much, does more bad then good anyway... If you have a hazy day - hey - that's nature. You won't be able to remove it completely anyway and it doesn't make sense - just leave it, use it, emphasize on it. Edit differently.
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