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#1 julija.V
When shooting timelapse I was necessary to remove several times the camera therefore the picture has changed (the curve horizon and different zoom). Whether it is possible automatically cropping to correct them?
#2 Gunther
There is no automatic stabilization in LRTimelapse. And I doubt it will be possible to correct such big changes in position. Smaller shakes can be stabilized with after effects warp stabilizer or similar.

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#3 cyclingg
Just before you export your raw files using the LRTimelapse exporter (at the end of the workflow) is it possible to take all your raw files into Photoshop as layers, select all layers and then align all the layers? Then you can crop the images to how you want. With all the layers selected in Photoshop, go to File > Export > Layers to Files. This will save each layer to jpg. You can then use these jpgs to render your video. Is this possible?
#4 Gunther
Yeah, if the align layers feature works for that sequence, that's for sure an option (mostly it doesn't so well). But you can try it. Or use the same procedure with after effects and its “warp stabilizer“. Again, stabilize the intermediary sequence, the export again as image sequence with the same naming scheme and render in LRTimelapse.

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