Before reporting a bug:
Please make sure that you have checked the FAQ first, most of the questions have already been answered there!

If you think, you found a bug, please provide:
  • The version of LRTimelapse you are using,
  • add Screenshots of the issue if possible,
  • add an exact description of your problem: what you are doing, what are you expecting to happen and what's happening,
  • post or send me the log file after the problem occurred, you'll find it in the info-menu, "Show Log-File". If you post your log file here, please enclose it in code tags:
    [code] ...your log file here... [/code]
Thank you!

Forums in 'LRTimelapse 7 - Bug reports'

Closed Topics
Last Post: Lightroom crashing 2024-11-28, 21:14 by Gunther
New Images won't delete
Last Post: Gunther made 2024-12-17, 12:57

...also check out: