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Original date/time column reset to single date/time for entire sequence

#1 lightatwork
Hi Gunther,

I've got a very weird one for you now... Using LRT 7.2.1 I am running into the following issue:

JPG-sequence, initialized by the right-click-menu batch-> initialization command.

When I do this, the entire column for the original date/time is set to a single moment. In my case 06-06-2024, 11:11:08.00. As expected the entire column for "interval" reads "0.0"

If I check the sequence in Finder, the Date Created column reads the moment I started the initialize command. I double checked this in the log file (I'll send it to you separately). The weird thing is, in Finder, the date created is set to today/time of initialize, but in LRT it shows as 06-06-2024, which is not the same.

Luckily, I still have the original sequence with the original "date-created-metadata" stored somewhere else.

To see if I could repeat the bug, I closed LRT, deleted the damaged folder, re-copied the original folder to the edit location, restarted LRT.

First, I just selected the folder which forces the initialize. Then all is fine.

After this, I repeated the delete/re-copy process and performed the initialization by means of batch initialize. Result: original date/time is messed up again.

I hope you can figure out what is going on here.
#2 Gunther
Thanks for reporting, will check this asap!
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#3 Gunther
Jorrit, thanks for send over the sequence. Extracted it to my SSD, even put it into a folder structure like yours.
Didn't load it into LRT, just right clicked and die Batch initialization.
After that I loaded it and it showed the correct Date/Times, see the screenshot.
This is also on a Mac with ARM processor.
Any Idea what might be different on your side?
For troubleshooting please also right click on one image and choose "Image Properties", there under XMP-Metadata you could see, if the fields are properly filled (see screenshot).
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#4 lightatwork
Thanks for looking into it. I have no idea what could be different on my side. I'll keep an eye on it and when this happens again, I'll check the image properties/XMP-Metadata.

I am constantly working with large numbers of pretty large sequences (2000+ images) in parallel, using a lot of the batch features of LRT, switching from large sequence to large sequence, etc. In some cases I find that this causes LRT to stumble a bit and start to act weird. Usually a restart of LRT solves most of this, but for the discussed issue it kept coming back. I have not tried a complete system reboot. Perhaps that solves/solved it.

Again, thanks for looking into it. For the next project (soon), I'll see if I can reproduce the issue again reliably and will let you know what the XMP data window inside LRT says.

Regards, Jorrit
#5 Gunther
Normally, "Batch Initialize" is not necessary at all for fresh sequences, I would only do it to reset already edited sequences to a fresh start, if needed.
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