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4* Keyframes altered after auto transition

#1 xxxx
I give up. I need help!

4* keyframes are altered after after auto transition. That makes no sense to me. If I compare the 1. image ie. the 1.  4* keyframe before and after auto transition, I can find no difference in the settings (main and masks) but it is much brighter after auto transition has been applied. I though LRT was supposed to interpolate between KF and not change the KF.

LRT4 .3
intialiize metadata
save metadata

read metadata
rotate all images
made adjustments on 4+ keyframes
save metadata

LRT4 .3
read metadata
added more keyframes
save metadata

read metadata
made adjustments on 4+ keyframes
save metadata

LRT4 .3
read metadata
auto transition
save metadata

read metadata
everything is too bright, 4+ keyframes and everything inbetween is too bright.

AAAAhhhhhhhhhh - Heeeelp please...!
#2 Gunther
O assume you didn't use the special "Sync Script" to synchronize the settings from one image to the other?
If you use the native tools that LR offer (Synchronize or Copy/Paste) you will overwrite settings that LRT did in background and LRT will restore them, when you do the transition. This might lead to the effect you experienced.

Please got through my instructions: http://lrtimelapse.com/workflow to learn, why it's important to use the Sync-Script.
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#3 xxxx

I'm sure I used sync script. But then again mybe not all the time, who knows. I'll start over from scratch and let you know what happend.
#4 xxxx
I started all over again, intialized and cleared metadata, same Problem. Brightness of *4 changes after auto transition, see screenshots of *4 proxies attached. Since when does LRT change the *4KF? I thought it only changes/interpolates the values of the images in between the *4KF?
Attached Files
#5 Gunther
Without knowing more, it's hard to say what's happening there. Normally LRT does not alter keyframes. But of course the Holy Grail adjustments and the Deflickering will happen in background, separately from the keyframes.
That's why I supposed, it might be the Sync script that you might not have used. The sync script makes sure that those background adjustments stay put.
Take care to not delete gradients or add gradients too. Make sure to check the thread about the supported tools as well:
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#6 xxxx
no HG KF, no deflicker. I figured it out now thanks to your link:
it was the point curves, even though they didn't change, they still affected the outcome after auto transition. So hands off point curves...

Thanks for helping out!
#7 Gunther
Glad, you could figure it out!
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