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6.5.2 Regenerates Visual Previews; Keying In Values Lag?

#1 thewoj
Hey there,

Just wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this:

When I double click on a value (let's say WB Temp) in the main body of the program lately I will have the dialogue box appear but the cursor will not start blinking for 10-ish seconds and in this time I cannot interact with the box. If I click on the box again shorty thereafter it doesn't usually occur again, but after awhile it persists. I have the same problem on both my laptop and desktop, running Windows 11.

Also, I built Visual Previews for a sequence on my laptop and then transferred the external to my desktop and was forced to rebuild the visual previews--this was an annoyance but I am guessing resolution or color space of visual previews were probably different between the machines and therefore a rebuild was necessary? The thing I don't understand is that the last few times I have changed a value, as in my first paragraph, and save that value, it rebuilds all previews for the entire 3000+ image sequence with 20 keyframes. In older versions, it would generally just rebuild within 2-3 keyframes surrounding the change I made, has anyone else noticed this?

Gunther, I know you're gonna read this, so let me just say your program is brilliant and thank you for being on top of everything.

Please let me know if there is any further info I can provide, or if I am being a curmudgeon.


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