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Color Grading After Deflicker

#1 cdelehanty
If I read metadata in LR after deflicker is applied in LRTimelapse is it possible to color grade time-lapse images as long as I don't make changes to exposure settings? When I save metadata with color grading changes will that remove any deflickering done in LRTimelapse?
#2 Gunther
No, deflicker should be preserved. Just go back to Lightroom, change editing of the key frames, save metadata and continue from the 2nd workflow row.

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#3 cdelehanty
Hi Gunther,

The reason I ask is because deflicker seems to have a difficult time handling any changes to keyframes other than exposure and wb. It can be time consuming to go back and figure out how much is too much for settings like white, blacks, etc. I have just been changing exposure on keyframes and very minor changes to blacks, whites, shadows and highlights to avoid this and then grading in after effects or premiere.

If I were to do more extensive grading to all images in a time-lapse after deflicker would it overwrite any of the work deflicker did in LRTimelapse? In this step I wouldn't copy over exposure or any other settings written by LRT. If not then maybe LR is not a good final grading option when used with LRTimelapse. Let me know what you think. I hope this makes sense to you. I can't find any conversations in the forums that mention fully grading images after applying the deflicker so I'm guessing it won't work or maybe it doesn't make much of a difference if you grade in AE instead.

Thank you!
#4 cdelehanty
...or does LRTimelapse ignore any grading in LR that doesn't change since those changes don't show in the metadata to the right of each image and I don't need to worry about it affecting deflicker?
#5 Gunther
All edits including deflicker apply altogether in Lightroom. The order does not matter. I always do the complete grading in Lightroom/LRTimelapse, not in video post processing.

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