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auto transition and deflicker before importing to lightroom

#1 HYLiu

I've checked the question on your forum and my request is a bit different.
I prefer to do the color balancing and changing the cropping etc in Premiere pro.
is it possible to have the Auto transitioning and Deflickering before importing to lightroom?

e.g.; key frames setting > auto transitioning > deflickering > lightroom> export> LRT rendering

that would be so supereasy..

#2 Gunther
I wouldn't recommend to export unedited raw files, but you can use the buttons in any order, it's not mandatory to follow the workflow. But of course, there are reasons for the workflow to be like it is, it's the most efficient way that will lead to the best quality.
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#3 HYLiu
I understand. However, my files are just very basic (JPG) and not raw. Nevertheless Auto Transition and deflickering is paramount of course. That's why I prefer to have a basic flow without using lightroom and just use lightroom for export and then LRT for rendering again.
#4 Gunther
Ok, as I said, you can load the sequence, set a reference area and deflicker. Then save and bring the sequence to Lightroom.
No need. For auto transition, since you are not doing any keyframe editing.
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