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B10: "Drag to Lighroom" does not work with Windows 11

#1 runaway62
LRTimelapse 6.0 beta 10 (2022-01-12)
The button "Show to Lighroom" does not work.
Normally I could grab it and just drop it in the tack list on the Lrc icon.
This way Lrc automatically shows me the import dialogue.
This no longer works for me.

I work with Windows 11
#2 Gunther
That's a Windows 11 issue. Windows 11 doesn't allow to hover over the taskbar anymore to bring up another App.
There are two ways to circumvent this: with a work around or a little helper tool.

Both are explained in the FAQ: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-win...-lightroom
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#3 runaway62
Thank you for the answer.
If I drag the button directly into Lightroom, it works normally. Thought it might be a bug.
#4 Gunther
As I said, drag via Taskbar is not implemented (yet) in Windows 11. I've told you 2 ways to do it nevertheless in that faq.
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