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B10 - Export and Render Internal - Error and Video Render Failure

#1 helloiamrory
Hi Gunther,
Running on Windows 10.

I decided to try and use LRT6 for a start to finish process on some stuff I shot yesterday, just to test out the process. 7 lapses, 555 frames in total, just very quick tests.

I stacked the internal exports one after another, and each one attempts to export the jpeg sequence, 2 successfully, 5 failed, although I'm sure the 5 failed ones seem to have spent some time exporting something, but nothing is in their export folders apart from the .lrt folder generated.

I get this error message and the video file/jpeg sequence does not export. "No suitable image sequence found. Only JPG and TIFF (Intermediary) Sequences can be used for direct rendering."

Of the 7 lapses, two exported into video files, and the other 5 gave the above error message.

I tried to insert the log code, but I get an error stating that the message is too long. I will send it via email. Also the "send via email" button on the log generate page does not seem to do anything.

All sequences were shot on the Canon R5, in either full frame or crop. So 8k or 5k. The two exports that did not fail were 8k, and 5k.
#2 helloiamrory
Upon going back and exporting the 5 failed lapses, individually, and not stacked in the export Q, they all completed correctly and without error.
#3 Gunther
In the current beta timeouts can happen while developing/exporting the images and/or generating visual previews. I will see to have that fixed in beta 11.
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#4 Gunther
Should be finally fixed in Beta 12.
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