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Batch video render uses incorrect settings

#1 fveldmans
Using LRTimelapse 6.2.1 on Windows 10.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start with a number of sequences that have intermediate files generated (JPEGs exported from Lightroom in LRT_ folders) and previously a video rendered.
2. Click Render video button.
3. Select a LRT Motion Blur setting that is different from before.
4. Choose at least 2 tasks and start the Render.

The files generated don't use the setting selected under step 3, but some previous setting (the last one for those particular files?).
So if you decide to try rendering with motion blur while you previously did without, it doesn't work, you still get files without motion blur.

Workaround: render each file one by one.

While I'm at it (and these are basically feature requests, I know):
1. While rendering, progress is shown at the bottom left corner. It would be useful if the render settings are also displayed, e.g. by showing the full (generated) filename (e.g. with a postfix like _h264-420_Rec.2020L_4KUHD_29.97_HQ_mb02).
2. I noticed that the Sharpen setting does not result in a different filename. It might be useful to include that one as well, as I tend to forget the exact settings I used on files.
#2 Gunther
Hi, thanks for your query. It's not a bug, it's a feature! :-)

If you render multiple sequences, then the renderer will by default use the settings that you set for each inidividual sequence.
If you want to render all sequences with the settings that are currently set, you need to activate the "Lock" icon right to the settings. This will then make the renderer use the current setting for every setting that has the lock activated instead of the sequence settings.

Feature request 1: That's a good idea, will be in 6.3.0 (next beta will have it)
Feature request 2: I'm not sure, usually I would recommend to have sharpening on for every export. I don't think it makes sense to have this make the filename even bigger... If it's really important to you, post it to the feature request board and let's see what others say.
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#3 fveldmans
Hi Gunther,

I didn't know about the lock feature. Turned out it wasn't visible by default. Every time I open the render video screen, the lock icons are mostly chopped off (see screenshot here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Auk4gHmdtwmvg9R8_Jjg...Q?e=jUe7S0).
Even when I resize the window, after closing and opening it's hidden again. This might be a bug. I'm on a 2560x1440 screen with text resolution at 100%.

The lock feature itself is fine, once you know it. I feels a bit counterintuitive. I would lock a setting to keep an original (e.g. the individual setting), not to force a global one.

I didn't know sharpening was always recommended. Since there is no strength option, I'm usually hesitant to apply it, as I'm not aware of the result together with Lightroom's sharpening. It can be easily overdone.

Thanks for your reply.
#4 Gunther
Sorry that you don't see the lock by default. This might be related to the Scaling. I will increase the size of the dialog a bit in 6.3.0.
The lock means, that you lock the current settings to all batch renders.

The sharpening the LRTimelapse applies is an output sharpening, similar to the one in the Lightroom export dialog, where you can set the output sharpening to screen or print. This is independent from the actual sharpening of the raw files that you do when editing the keyframes.
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#5 fveldmans
Thanks for the fix and for clarifying sharpening. I now realize that there is no sharpening option during Lightroom export, so it makes sense to do that while creating the video. Oh well, that will be something for my next video :-) The current one (see link in Showcase) still looks great and I've taken the liberty to add you to the credits at the end.

Thank you for your support, excellent as always!
#6 Gunther
Please test 6.3.0 beta 2, where the batch progress will show the video filename: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-lrt...3-0-beta-2
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#7 fveldmans
The settings are only shown for the first file (the one that's currently rendering). It would be useful to see them for the rest too, to be able to confirm that the entire batch is configured correctly. See this screenshot:

The lock icons are now visible upon opening the window. Thanks!
#8 Gunther
Thanks for reporting. I will change those labels in 6.3 beta 4.
Also I will add tooltips to the batch progress indicators, that makes it easier to see long filenames when hovering over them.
Please let's continue in the beta forum. I will release beta 4 soon.
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#9 Gunther
Beta 4 is out now: https://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Forum-lrti...-beta-test
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