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Can't activate upgrade to 6.5.1 Pro

#1 dsjohston
I purchased, downloaded and installed the crossgrade from LRT 5 Private to LRT 6 Pro. I have downloaded the license file. When I start LRT it shows the v6 interface. But when I got to Info/Licensing, it shows that I still have a private license to LRT 5. The Activate button is dimmed out, so I cannot activate my LRT 6 Pro license. See screenshot attached.

Please provide info needed to activate.

Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Click on deactivate license first.
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#3 dsjohston
OK. thanks. Would be helpful if this was noted in the instructions.

#4 Gunther
Thanks for the feedback. I'll think about where to put that info.
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#5 dsjohston
I was following the license key instructions in the email that came after the purchase, so a good place would be between items 3 and 4.

Installing the license key
1. Download the attached Zip-Archive and extract the contained license file (.lic file) into any folder, for example your "Documents" folder.
2. Install and launch LRTimelapse.
3. Open the "Licensing"-dialog (inside the Info-Menu in LRTimelapse).
4. Click on Activate License Key.
5. Navigate to the folder where you placed the License Key (i.e. "Documents"), choose the license key and click Ok.

#6 Gunther
Thanks, I've added this now to the email for future clients.
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