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Upgrade to Sonoma causes gray screen.

#1 jvsoda@gmail.com
Just updated to Sonoma. Opened LRT and only see gray screen. Re-installed but same result.

Support request from James Soda, Windsor, E-Mail: jvsoda@gmail.com
License for: LRTimelapse 6, License Type: private, Payment Reference: 0170238504053404K, Valid until: Unlimited for LRTimelapse 6

2023-10-15 10:42:45 [DEB] Created Log file: /Users/soda/Documents/LRTimelapse
2023-10-15 10:42:45 [DEB] Created semaphore file: /private/tmp/LRTimelapse_running
2023-10-15 10:42:45 [INF] Reading settings from /Users/soda/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse.config
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] LRTimelapse 6.5.2 (2023-08-28) Build 882
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] © 2023 Gunther Wegner, https://LRTimelapse.com
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Java version: 19.0.1 (64bit) from Azul Systems, Inc.
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Running on: Mac OS X, aarch64, Locale: en_CA
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Mac Architecture: ARM (Silicon)
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] OS Version: 14.0
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Java runtime: 64 bit
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Found 8 processor cores.
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] File encoding: UTF-8
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Default charset: UTF-8
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [INF] Licensed to: James Soda, Windsor - Private License.
2023-10-15 10:42:46 [DEB] Loading UI Resources...
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Using temp-dir: /var/folders/b2/zgs61dhn7jb9bjlv_532nbwc0000gn/T/lrt_2674963906770436093
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Done loading UI Resources.
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [INF] Restricting folder tree to:
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [INF] [/Volumes/Video/Time Lapse, /Users/soda/Pictures]
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [INF] Loading directory structure
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Initializing directory chooser
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Start path: /Users/soda/Pictures/2023/2023-09-28/Cloud Timelape
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Building user interface
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Building Table
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Setting header renderer
2023-10-15 10:42:48 [DEB] Register cell editing
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Updating column widths
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Create table popup
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Enabling drag-drop
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Done creating UI
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Creating UI-bindings...
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Preview Color Management not activated. You can activate it in the Settings.
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [INF] Detected 2 screens:
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [INF] Screen 1: 1920 1080
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [INF] Screen 2: 1920 1080
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Setting window position
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] RenderDialog: Initializing...
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] RenderDialog: Loading presets from settings...
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] RenderDialog: Loading Render Settings...
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] RenderDialog: Selecting last render setting...
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Loaded render settings from UI
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] RenderDialog: completed.
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Showing UI
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Masks Version 2.0 mode.
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Initializing import dialog...
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] ExifTool installed, version 12.55
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] Launching 8 instances of ExifTool
2023-10-15 10:42:49 [DEB] /usr/local/LRTimelapse/exiftool
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] Successfully launched ExifTool Pool.
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] DNG Converter available: /Applications/Adobe DNG Converter.app
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] MPEG Encoder available: /usr/local/LRTimelapse/ffmpeg
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] Cleaning up temp dir
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] Using 8 threads for Visual Previews.
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] Using 2 threads for Internal Export.
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] Using 8 threads for ExifTool.
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [INF] Locating last selected folder: /Users/soda/Pictures/2023/2023-09-28/Cloud Timelape
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [INF] Restricting folder tree to:
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [INF] [/Volumes/Video/Time Lapse, /Users/soda/Pictures]
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [INF] Restricting folder tree to:
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [INF] [/Volumes/Video/Time Lapse, /Users/soda/Pictures]
2023-10-15 10:42:50 [DEB] ...done initializing import dialog.
2023-10-15 10:42:52 [DEB] Checking for render tasks in: /Users/soda/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/LRTInterface.txt
2023-10-15 10:42:52 [DEB] Update check on Main channel.
2023-10-15 10:42:52 [INF] Installed Version of LRTimelapse: 6.5.2 (2023-08-28) Build: 882
2023-10-15 10:42:52 [INF] Latest Version available: 6.5.2 (2023-08-28) Build: 882
2023-10-15 10:42:54 [DEB] Adobe DNG Converter 16.0 is up to date.
2023-10-15 10:42:54 [DEB] Memory: [max|13104] [used|109] [free|12995]
Attached Files
#2 Gunther
Strage, LRT works perfectly with Sonoma here.
Please restart the computer, then open a terminal and copy/paste:
rm /Users/soda/Library/Application Support/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse.config
Now try launching LRTimelapse again.
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.
#3 jvsoda@gmail.com
That fixed it but the correct text is:
rm /Users/soda/Library/Application\ Support/LRTimelapse/LRTimelapse.config

Took me awhile to figure that out. Thanks for the quick reply.
#4 Gunther
Glad it works now and sorry for the missing escape sign for the space character.
Subscribe to: LRTimelapse Newsletter, Youtube Channel, Instagram, Facebook.

...also check out: