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Cropping for Aspect Ratios

#1 JoeTaylor
Hello.  New user here.  I've looked through the "frequently asked questions" about this with no luck.  How does one crop full frame sequences or perhaps it is done in LightRoom, to exact 1.85 or 2.39 aspect ratios for export?  I'm use to working in Davinci and Red Cine-X where you can key in your frame dimensions to the exact aspect ratio desired.  Is that possible in LRTimelapse?

Many Thanks!!
#2 Gunther
Yes, of course. Just do it when editing the first keyframe in Lightroom. You can define custom aspect ratios in the Lightroom Crop tool. When syncing the settings to the following keyframes (via the Sync-Script, see http://forum.lrtimelapse.com/Thread-how-...ync-script ) the crop will be populated to the other keyframes. The LRTimelapse Auto-Transition will then set it for the full sequence.
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#3 JoeTaylor
Thank you so much Gunther. Have been using Light Room for several years, still wrapping my head around the specifics. The film I am working on has an aspect ratio of 2.39, so the time-lapse sequence need to be exactly the same as the scenes shot with a Red Epic. Getting there!!!!

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