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Auto create Keyframes based on luminance (or other data)

#1 tobytimelapse
Hello there,

We specialise in long-term time-lapse photography and often need process sequences of 20k+ jpgs shot over multiple years.

Often these sequences use photos from all hours of the day and night as there are often 'shutdowns' and night works on the projects that we cover.

It would be great if we could have a function that would auto-add Keyframes and the start and end of each day/night period.

Eg - Create keyframe before and after luminance drops dramatically and vice versa i.e. when luminance rises dramatically (or perhaps at a certain rate)

This way when I get to the Lightroom processing, I can create a 'day' preset and copy over to all the day keyframes and a 'night' preset that I can copy over to all the night keyframes.

Do you think this is doable??

Thank you!

#2 Gunther
Hi Toby, thanks for the idea, I'm struggling a bit to figure out how that should look in terms of the algorithm.. How to figure out where to put those keyframes?! I think doing that based on the luminance curve would be very tricky since especially for long term the luminance curves are often very wild.

I'd suggest to use the filters to filter for a certain timespan - like 8:00 - 8:02, to ideally cover only one image in that time span for every day, then you'll have those images selected and can hit "1" to mark them as keyframes. Now you can do the same for the other time span like 17:00.

I tested this and found that the time span filter might not always to the selection on a minute base that's why I used 2 minutes, I will do some tests on this and fix it, if necessary.

Even if the filter selects more than 1 adjacent images, with that starting point it's easy to go through the keyframes with ctrl/cmd Cursor-Down/Up and remove unnecessary keyframes by clicking 0.

Let me know how this works for you.
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