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Deflicker not working

#1 CodyPayne
I just purchases lrtimelapse and am not satisfied. After rendering too many videos and the deflicker still not working. Its very frustrating considering I've watched every tutorial on this website and many other youtube videos! Everything looks fine as in the deflicker green line but when I render the video its like nothing was ever changed. I follow all of the steps too.
#2 Gunther
Please check the brand new tutorial that I made for LRTimelapse 4 - Deflicker has changed a bit in the new version. Try the process, like I explained in the new basic tutorial. http://lrtimelapse.com/tutorial
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#3 willkamp
You HAVE to have DNG Convertor installed, otherwise it wont work. This fixed my issue
#4 Gunther
True. That's why LRTimelapse brings up a warning, if DNG converter is not installed.
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#5 CodyPayne
I have the dng converter installed and when I run lrtimelapse I see the dng symbol pop up and run 4 photos at a time.... Any other thought to why this isn't working?
#6 CodyPayne
I shot in av mode, thought I was in manual. Could it be that there is too much flicker in this particular time-lapse?
#7 Gunther
I still don't know what excatly is not working. If you shot in Av Mode, you won't use the Holy Grail wizard, just load the sequence, go to the visual workflow, apply the visual deflicker, save and activate the visual previews. The DNG Converters popping up in the bar is something I not yet managed to fully surpress on mac, so just take it as a sign that the previews are being generated. The bar below the preview panel should gradually get green as the previews come in. If it gets red, something is not working, then I would need the log file (info-menu / log).

If you would like to me helping efficiently please provide me some more information. Screenshots would be good and more detailed explanations. I don't have a crystal ball here.
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#8 CodyPayne

After I have gone through all the steps and hit save. I wait for my visual preview to update and it still has flicker
#9 CodyPayne
Sorry if I'm not giving you enough data, I don't know how to explain it. Ill post a video here with the log file
#10 CodyPayne
There is the log file, I just copy and pasted it to a page on my square space

...also check out: