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Efficient Use without Lightroom?

#11 ØrjanB
Are you sure this Amazon link is correct? I'm showed a product that says: "This subscription renews every 12 months for $119.88/12 months" - So no possibility to just buy for 1 year and then do the same the year after as with this I enter into a subscription that is automatically renewed every 12 months. This would mean only year 1 could be at a lower rate.

What is worse is that the product also tells me that: "Note: Currently, this item is available only to customers located in the United States." - Now, I don't know if the word "currently" indicate that i will be able to buy this on Black Friday or not. At the moment anyone outside USA cannot buy this, not just me in Norway.

I, like others in this forum, would also like to be able to process Raw Timelapse sequences without Adobe’s products. I'm sure this wish for LRTimelapse to be independent of Adobe will increase in the future to come, so hopefully you can plan accordingly.

#12 Diana
You might need to search Amazon in your country for the correct product. There is definitely one time (one year) buying options for the Photography license. There are also other dealers that have them on sale multiple times a year (in Germany for example notebooksbilliger.de). Most likely it does also work if you buy in another country, this shouldn't be an issue for the license. Just do some research.
#13 mopperle
This offer was only valid during amazons Prime Day. Currently there is only the regular price.
Usually the next special offer will be around the Black Friday.
Use the other website Gunther posted to keep you uptodate.

#14 glassqueen
Hi Gunther, do you have any plans for future LRT to produce higher quality output directly through the internal workflow? I am tired of Adobe for many reasons and am looking to move on. The only thing that is stopping me from pulling the plug today is LRT. I think this enhancement would help many of us.

Thank you,
#15 Gunther
What exactly do you mean with "higher quality"? Are there use cases where the quality of the internal workflow is not enough for you?
LRTimelapse uses the Adobe Raw Engine for development. Personally i think it's fair to have a Lightroom Classic license for that. It's only around 10 Bucks per month and totally worth it in my opinion. My options to use that engine without license are limited, so there are not many options for enhancement with the internal workflow.
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