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DNG update nag screen on startup

#1 npaisnel
Is it possible to stop this nag screen at startup ?
I have a Mac 5,1 running 10.14.6 and Adobe DNG convertor cannot be updated beyond the version I have

I cannot update beyond this OS, so therefore cannot update DNG beyond 13.

I have looked in preferences but cannot see a preference to stop checkin for updates.

#3 npaisnel
Thank you Gunther. I did a search but as per usual..get the search terms wrong and no good!

Next job see about the LightRoom 5 plugins not exporting...I used LRT a few years ago ..the trial version and LightRoom export worked. It was I think was LRT 4 I'll try myself first before asking any exact questions
#4 Gunther
LRTimelapse 5 is out of support. Please use LRTimelapse 6. It will run with your setup. If you use older Lightroom than 11, you'd need to set the masks version to 1.0 in the LRTimelapse settings.
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