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Errors in holy grail

#1 Blank76
Hi Mr Gunter
I made a couple of mistakes setting the camera parameters during the Holy Grail (light jumps bigger than a stop)
I've seen that the question has been already answered by you, here is the transcription

If the sequence has been shot in M-Mode, the "Holy Grail Wizard" in LRTimelapse should fix it.
If not, and it's only one or two "jumps", you can set two 4* keyframes left and right of the jump and adjust the exposure in Lightroom on those keyframes manually to make them match in brightness.

So, my questions are

According to you, how many frames before and after I have to set the extra keyframes?

Left and right of the jump, you mean before and after the peak?

Can you make an example? I have a frame with visual luminosity at 500, the one after is 300, can be done smth?

#2 Gunther
That "Jump" refers to the point where you have an abrupt change in luminosity because at that moment for example the Exposure in the camera has been changed from 1 to 2 seconds.
This will be detected by the holy grail wizard and it will automatically set those 2*/3* keyframes.
Normally there is no reason to set them manually.

Please check your curve: If you have such "jumps" (vertical lines in a zig zag curve), then the KF Wizard should detect them and mark them with the 3*/4* triangles. The HG Wizard will then calculate the corrections.

If you shot im A Mode, you won't have those "jumps", instead a more or less smooth curve. Therefore you don't get the HG Wizard enabled. In that case, work with the default keyframes to level everything.

Maybe you could post a screenshot of your curves here, that would make it easier to see what exactly is the situation there.
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