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Holy Grail Abrupt Transition Problem

#1 rubbernecker
I've searched and implemented solutions from similar posts but it still doesn't fix my problem.  Yes, I am using the sync script between keyframes.

I have only 2 keyframes on this truncated holy grail timelapse.  I've only made a very simple adjustment to the highlight slider but the transition is not smooth between any of the ISO bumps.

I've attached images of 2 transitional frames where I've increased ISO.  2a and 2b show pre-deflicker visual preview.  3a and 3b show post deflicker visual preview.  The transition is always abrupt, most noticeably in the sky.

Please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.  I've been at it for 2 straight days to no avail.

Thank you!
Attached Files
#2 stefgodin
maybe you just have to apply visual defliker now...
#3 Gunther
You should put the reference area to the sky. Just click and drag a rectangle into the sky area this will then be used as reference area for deflicker. Now apply "refine" on deflicker once ore twice again.
This will get rid of the flicker, unless the images have blown highlights (which I cannot see from the previews). You should always avoid shooting too bright, to prevent blown highlights, since image-information that is clipped cannot be recovered.
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#4 rubbernecker
I've deflickered 4 times with a sky reference area. The problem persists but this time I noticed a small red box around the index number of one of the frames.

I've linked a set of higher resolution screenshots from my dropbox to get around the upload limit of this forum. The sky doesn't have blown highlights.


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
#5 Gunther
If you have a close look at the screenshots that you've shared, you can see that the blue channel is clearly blown in every image after the adjustment. Each image before the adjustment shows a blue sky while the image after the adjustment shows it being grey.

The question now is, are they blown in the original raw file, or only after the development. If in the original RAW file, there is not much you could do. If it's because your editing, it's easily fixed, by editing darker.

I'd suggest you start over (right click on folder in LRT, "Clear all LRT Editing"). Then start over. Edit all keyframes a big darker, pull down the highlights a bit too. Carefully check the histogram in Lightroom to leave a bit of "room" to the right.
When applying the holy grail wizard, make sure to use the sliders to bring the curve close to the horizontal middle line.
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