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How do I export from Final Cut Pro X without losing quality?

#1 ZakZeinert
After exporting at 3k or higher, my timelapse looks incredible. Hats off to you, Gunther! I'm really loving your software. However, I usually run my videos through final cut pro x to stabilize the video, but I can't seem to find the right export settings to use. Everything I've tried results in a severe drop in sharpness and resolution. Does anybody know what I can do to remedy this?
#2 Gunther
I'm not a final cut user, sorry that I can't help here. When rendering with Premiere Pro I usually export in MP4 H.264, 2-Pass VBR, 40-50 MBps. Make sure to have your project and sequence and export all set to the same dimensions and framerate as the original footage.
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