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How to properly close LrC

#1 Heikki-J
Dear Gunther

I follow well your "LRTimelapse – Basic Tutorial" and can produce a proper video from my sequence of images. However, I think the tutorial stops a tiny bit early and fails to explain how to properly clean and close the LrC session.

I am new to LrC. My problem is that previous image sequences (especially the earlier failed attempts) still hang in LrC and prevent me from importing a new (or a previously tried and failed) sequence into LrC.

Do you see my problem?

#2 Gunther
Hi Heikki,
there is no need to "close" anything. LRTimelapse will work directly on the folder of images.
In Lightroom, when you import the sequence the first time, references to those images will be created in the LR Catalog. You need to use "ADD" in the import dialog.
I think what you currently are experiencing is that you try to import again a sequence whose images are already present in the Lightroom catalog. LR will then detect them as duplicates and not import again (and that makes totally sense).

Once the sequence has been imported into Lightroom, there is no need to "import" it again, if you reedit. Instead of importing, just select the whole sequence and do "Metadata / Read Metadata From files". Another option would be to remove the sequence from Lightroom and after that just re-import with "Add" as you did the first time.
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#3 Heikki-J
Thanks Gunther. This clarifies the situation with LrC. Best, -H

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