Thanks, Gunther. I was (and am a little) getting confused because over in the VIEW Facebook group Jay is suggesting that I CANNOT tinker with exposure at ALL. Here is his comments.
" When applying these changes to all of the images in the folder (and thus changing the XMP data), you should 'UNCHECK' the exposure setting to all of the frames so that you are not applying the current frames exposure setting to all of the frames."
So a couple of things that don't make sense.
1. I don't copy metadata manually like that so I can unclick the exposure box in LR. I use your sync feature.
2. You say I CAN play with exposure he says I can't. Now, I did do an output with the VIEW XMP's and changed exposure and there was still 'some'flicker but that was correctable with your deflicker tool. Much better output than I was griping about earlier.
So I think I could use your wisdom. If I'm hearing you correctly....
1. Drag in the VIEW XMP files (this smoothed everything out). No need to use Holy Grail if I use VIEW XMP.
2. Go to LR and
edit any linear slider I want (including exposure), but try to keep those adjustments subtle and not over do it
3. Bring back into LRT. Reload, transition, save
4. Visual preview (this saves a crap load of time than rendering only to find out you need more tweaks)
5. If needed, add some deflicker, save.
6. Preview - approve or add more deflicker if needed
7. Off to LR, read meta from file, export
So the real misinformation in my mind is can I use exposure adjustments with VIEW XMP's. You say yes, Jay says no.
Here's the link to the discussion if you want to chime in.
The thread starts out like this:
"If I pull my VIEW XMP files into my image directory and load them into LRT, the idea is that I'd get smooth transitions. "
You can see near the bottom where Jay is giving me some tips. Perhaps we can get some misinformation realigned. I think it "USED" to be that an exposure adjustment would invalidate the XMP's but you addressed that in LRT at some point.
Thanks. This has been a great learning experience.