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Import function

#1 mopperle
Maybe it has been asked already, but couldn't find an answer:

Sometimes I'm shooting 2-3 sequences after each other, separating them by a dark frame. When using the import function only all pictures at once can be imported, but I would like to import each sequence into its own folder. In Lightroom I can select the pictures to be imported and send them to a specific folder. I'ld like to see something similar in LRT. But maybe I missed something and  a similar function is already in place.

#2 Gunther
Hi Otto,there is an easier way in LRTimelapse. Just import everything into one folder, then you can easily split that folder into different ones - you can use the interval column to find the splits or the peak in the blue curve due to the black frame.

Then just select the images that should go into another folder and right click on one in the table then "New folder from selection". This process is too explained in depth in my ebook: http://lrtimelapse.com/shop/ebook
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#3 mopperle
Thanks, and I assume that the selected are being moved with the data created during initialization.

#4 Gunther
Of course.
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